Want To Make An F-15 Eagle Jet Fighter Paper Plane? – Tadashi Mori

An amazing F15  Eagle Jet Fighter Paper Place

Tadashi Mori is a professional origami artist from São Paulo – Brazil, born in 1985. Partner of origamiyard.com
According to famousbirthdays.com, a “YouTube star who posts videos of himself making origami figures”.

He started folding origami when he was 7 y.o, and started creating origamis at 18. He participated in the Origami Argentina convention and the Encontro Internacional de Origami SP.

On 2008, he started making origami videos on YouTube, and now his channel has over 300,000 subscribers and 100,000,000 views.

Source: Origami Artists Tadashi Mori http://origamiyard.com/blog/artist-tadashi-mori

This artists has alot of great origami projects and desrvce

3 White And Gold Dress-Wearing Animals

In the mass flurry of viral Facebook posts, news pieces and arguments on the internet about the white and gold dress (or blue and black), it’s hard to determine the actual color of the white and gold dress. Whatever you believe, let’s all agree about one thing, –there are a million things that would look better in that awful white and gold (blue and black) dress. Okay, we gotta ask, what colors do you see?

white and gold dress
Original Source: tmblr


A White and Gold Dress Wearing Monkey

Let’s face it, monkeys are amazing. Heck, even our mascot is a monkey! Any fashion get-up you could come up with, a monkey will rock it harder.

monkey in a white and gold dress


A White and Gold Dress Wearing Piglet

Pigs look amazing in red boots, so it makes perfect sense they would look adorable in a white and gold dress (blue and black dress, don’t get mad!)

piglet in a white and gold dress
Source: Facebook


A White and Gold Dress Wearing Hedgehog

Okay, just look at the adorable picture below. Hedgehogs are both adorable and terrifying at the same time, making them the most interesting kind of animal. Those spikes look like they could make you blind.

white and gold dress
Source: TheMetaPicture.com

The 5 Best Animal Selfies On The Interwebz

You’ll never believe these crazy animal selfies. Check out our top five favorite animal selfies of all time!

5. The Corgi Selfie

It’s Momo the Corgi birthday again and she takes a corgi selfie to document the day! According to her instagram she is afraid of heights, is a stealth ninja, and loves to chase laser pointers. Who let the dogs out?


4. The Kitten Selfie

kitten selfie

Via Imgur

Little kitten is competing with the family dog today with this inexplicably cute kitten selfie. Has she out-cuted the dog? You be the judge.

3. The Kangaroo Selfie

kangaroo selfie

Via Imgur

True to his Australian nature, this kangaroo (not to be confused with wallaby) might have had a couple too many drinks last night. This intoxicated kangaroo selfie is brought to you by Budweiser.


3. The Sloth 

sloth selfie

Via Imgur

Sloth Selfie in a box. Need I say more?


1. Squirrel Selfie

squirrel selfie

Via Imgur

I think this squirrel has had too much coffee, don’t you?


The All New Old Adventures Of George, The Hastily Revised Contrived Giraffe

George woke up all of a sudden. Today his new life began. Never again would he work long hours at the diary delivering absinthe pizza to sock puppet table lamps for Bimblebutt Fluffybottom, the antisocial bee. This was largely because it was a dream & he had never been a 12 year old pizza delivery boy named Janet, dammit. … Or had he ???? … Maybe he was like Wolferine. Wolferine couldn’t remember stuff either.
George expectantly lifted a hoof to his face & stared at it with heroic concentration. He strained & strained training to will cutlery to spring forth from his hoof. Tense minutes passed. George was about to give in when he began to feel …peculiar. ….  The shocked giraffe’s eyes widened in utter amazement ….. He had pooped a little.

 ” 6 inches “

After a quick trip to the bathroom, George found that upon reflection this was the lesser of two evils since the hoof had been only 6 inches from his face. Good job he had that mirror.
Just then there was an urgent knocking at the door.
” George! Where are you ? You’re on in 10 “
” Gravy Gumdrops. 10 hours! ” thought George.
” No … 10 MINUTES “
” Jammy Knees Cricket !!!! ” squealed George ” ….. Hang on.  How did you know what I was thinking ? “
” It’s Marvo The Mysterious ….. The mindreader? …….. Your friend & mentor of 10 years …… The guy you can see because the door to your trailer is open? ” despaired Marvo. ” 10 minutes, okay? “
” Yes mam .. er … sir, Mr. ….. um … “
” Marvo .”
” …Mr. Marvo, sir. .. Lickety split “.


”  High wire circus giraffe “


George’s eyes glazed over. Lickety Split was his favourite popsicle. He didn’t get to enjoy them very often, they usually melted on the way from Croatia.
” George! 8 minutes! … And stop licking that hairbrush ” said Marvo shattering the illusion as he turned to leave.

” Jumping Jammy Knees Cricket !!!! ” exclaimed George as he struggled to change out of his PJs before realising he was just wearing his spots.
George eased into the pink glittered spandex that made him feel a bit more like Wolferine & warmed up his equipment. … It was important the bike was warm for his erotic … no …. exotic performance. George was a circus giraffe … a high wire circus giraffe …. the life every giraffe dreams of.

Meanwhile, in The Big Top, Jammy Knees the cricket had climaxed … with his signature impression of incremental glacial advance.


” 65ft Tall “


The 65ft tall cricket’s life had also been transformed by the circus. The former New Jersey traffic cop had fallen upon difficult times due to his love of doughnuts. His weight problems couple without the constant emergency call ins for an officer down, due to doughnut jelly running down his front saw Jammy fall upon hard times. After that it was doughnuts doughnuts doughnuts until a concerned neighbor called the fifth emergency service, The Performing Arts Council, and the circus winched Jammy to safety & a new life. They weaned him off doughnuts with Krispie Kremes but with no jelly dripping down his chaffing thighs he discovered his amazing talent for impersonating glacial advance. And the crowds rolled up ….. glacially … or by nipping outside for a cigarette until the next act was on. Nevertheless Jammy justified his billing, as the circus was really short of acts at the time.
His historic finale drew a standing ovation … from one child … but it turned out she was just a bit cold. It was an extremely good impression. Still it was less disappointing than the standing ovulation from  last week. Just because they were at the back in the cheap seats, did they think he couldn’t see them? It had all been very embarrassing.

George, however, was more of a circus natural. He loved the crowd … when the weren’t  busy doing that sort of thing themselves. He didn’t need to be winched in by Iquitee Card holders while they rested between jobs ( something that you had to be incredibly tired to do if you were on stable duty in the elephant house ). Not George. No. He’d been spotted. …. He still was spotted.


” Billy Ray Cyrus “


George wasn’t the only George at the circus. There was also George.  And Mr. Clowny wouldn’t let plunging to his death stop him entertaining the crowd ….. again. He hadn’t been the funniest clown but he did seem to have been very popular with desperate middle aged women. And was now he was finest darn mantelpiece  ornament a circus could have … although what a fireplace was doing in a marquee is anyone’s guess. But the clown’s ashes now resided proudly in the centerpiece urn,  mixed in with custard powder… It was his pieing wish.

A drum-roll brought hush to the crowd inside the Big Top.

” Ladies & Gentlemen. Boys & Girls. …. Billy Ray Cyrus. … Raise the roof for the amazing High-wire George “.

There followed an awkward couple of minutes when nothing happen & it dawned upon the audience that this might be a literal request. Fortunately, Billy Ray step in to save the day … as he was also in between jobs ( It wasn’t easy being a waiter when you were so achy shaky ) & piped out a medley of his 1 annoyingly catchy hit causing the roof to recoiled to a safe height. The walls had it worse though because, as everybody knows … walls have ears. Still, if they moved, people might say that Billy Ray had brought the house down … & that just wouldn’t do at all.

Surprisingly the audience didn’t flee …. although this was largely down to The Ringmaster having locked the canvas.


” Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ! ” 


” Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ” trilled George, mostly to himself. He was ready to WOW.
But how had he managed to get up here. He couldn’t climb ladders. …. Oh yeah. … The winch. George Giraffe frowned. He wasn’t a 20 ton cricket, he wasn’t.

Just close your eyes & think happy thoughts. …. Aaaargh! Open Your Eyes! Open Your Eyes! He chided himself as scrambled back onto the high wire platform.
George looked down breathlessly at the safety net below. He was glad it was there but he did feel sorry for the dolphins. What the deuce ?! Did one of them just flip him off. … Okay…. he felt sorry for most of the dolphins.
George tried to refocus & compose himself … but the musical aspect was proving to difficult so he settled for just concentrating a bit better.
He took a deep breath … *fart* … oops. He slightly shallower breath, reached behind himself & yanked.

Far below the crowd gasped in disbelief. A 12 year tugged at his father’s sleeve elbow for attention as he pointed up at the scene. ” Daddy, is the giraffe going to climb on that & ride it “


” pumping away “


George had indeed finished mounting & was about to commence pumping away when he spied the child’s mocking finger. Clearly the brat was in cahoots with that dolphin. George would give him a crafty kick after, during the autograph session. But the show came first. It was a spectacle that George sometimes performed twice a night … but never quite like this. He began to pump.

” Oooooo !!! ” went the crowd.

Gingerly George pedalled his stunt cycle onto the high wire but it was not his usual cycle. No. Tonight the daredevil’s equipment was made from toast.

” Mmmmmm ! ” went the crowd

In retrospect it had been an error to put Stupendo The Sorcerer next in the schedule as his doves escaped & headed straight for the scrumptious stunt bike.

” Stupid Enzo !! ” ( George could never get his name right & thought the magician was from Italy ) wailed the giraffe as a dove chipped at the rear wheel. ” Your pecker is destroying my rear end !!! “

” Eeewww ! ” went the crowd

Billy tugged on his father’s sleeve again. ” Daddy! Daddy! Is the giraffe going to fall? … You gotta climb up an’ save him.” But Billy’s dad had terrible vertigo. So bad was it that he had specifically requested ringside seats which he was lying down in front of. Curse the giraffe, it was the one act that the ring perimeter didn’t obscure. Fear gripped him as he met his son’s gaze.
” …. B-b-but …. er … ” he stammered.
Billy looked puzzled.
” I don’t think butter is going to help Daddy ” he observed with a grounded wisdom that would see him grounded for the next week.
But … er … it was too late anyway as the toasty rear wheel was pecked away. George blacked out as the bicycle disintegrated beneath him, deliciously coating a dove in breadcrumbs as it’s debris rained down.

George plunged to his certain death.

His certain non lethal caught in a safety net non death.

The giraffe came around to sympathetic applause & struggled to his hooves. He was in the safety net. He felt embarrassed. The performance had been a failure & yet the crowd applauded the attempt. George felt he must acknowledge their kindness in some other way than not kicking Billy.
After a moments thought, he bowed to them & shed a tear …… although this was largely due to the dolphin that had just butted him in his ” finale’ ” .

The End

How To Pick Up Chicks

The first thing we have to talk about is the word “chicks”. I’m talking about birds, not women. These tactics will not work on women. If you try them, you’ll probably get slapped so, fair warning.This is a story format, more of a “what if” situation for those who want to learn to art of picking up chicks.

So you’ve come to a farm to pick out a nice riding horse when you see this awesome chick come strutting across the yard like it owns the place, I mean, with yellow feather like that, I bet she does. She tries to flap her little wings as you lean against the railing on the arena and watch. It’s almost like the Gods created this day for just you and this chick.

You catch her eye and she stares, the sun beaming down on her, making her yellow feathers shine as bright as gold in the warm summer air. You know you want this chick, you want to pet this chick and have it. So, you walk up to the chick but all of its friends begin to come out of the chicken coop. Playing it cool you walk around a bit waiting till she’s by herself. But that doesn’t work, they hang around.
An amazing plan strikes. You get chicken feed, walk back up to the chicks and sit, sprinkling it around the ground as you do so you catch all the chicks’ attention and they all come running. Look at you, swag master of the chicks.

As your golden nugget draws near you extend a hand on chicken feed to her, and she comes right for you. This is your chance. You slowly back out the circle of the less than fine chicken nuggets to get yourself a golden nugget.
It’s just you and her, what now? Well obviously you buy her, that’s what we do with chicks. They aren’t women, we don’t ask their father for their hand in marriage, we just buy them. Anyway, after paying between a buck and five bucks for this little beauty, you make her feels like extra special. Buying her all the finest chicken feed, a little bed to sleep in and even a little dress. A nugget in a dress.
You complement her on her color and the beautiful dress she’s wearing. She pays you no mind of course, I mean she’s just a chick. Then you two live out the next couple months or whatever together.
Human and chick-en-nugget. A nick name of course. That little thing could only make about two nuggets. Why eat a perfectly good, loyal chick? Chicks have feelings too. Remember that.

Anyway, that’s pretty much how you pick up a chick.



All chicken GIFs used in this post can be found by clicking here

Oysters And Mussels And Peppers. Oh My.


I used to love Oysters.
And, Mussels.
And, Peppers of every kind.

I remember being younger, wondering . . . why do old(er) people always carry a stash of Tums?

“Need a Tums?” one would ask (as if offering up a treat).

“Sure!” one would say.

“Pass one my way,” (would say) another.

Recently, I went to the beach with my partner/love interest/boyfriend.

[Sidebar:  My next story should be “what to call your mate when you’re over forty”.]

We treated ourselves to some oysters.
Mmmm, with just a dash of horseradish.
And, of course, a nice cold beer to wash them down.

Not long after, however, I had this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

Uncomfortable in a burning, knotted-up, menstrual cramps (but, not) . . .  sort of way.

We stopped at a gas (station) for some Zantec.

Fortunately, that seemed to relieve the discomfort.

I haven’t had oysters, since.

On a separate beach trip with my girlfriend (a girlfriend is a girlfriend, at any age),
we stopped for some mussels.
Bathing in a soak up the garlic and capers induced broth . . . they were DELICIOUS.
AND, a nice cold beer to wash them down.

BUT, similar to the experience with the oysters, my stomach started to turn.

This time, I went home and took a Tagamet.

I haven’t had mussels, since.

Maybe I’m developing an allergy to shellfish, I thought.

But, then there were the peppers.

There were two separate occasions, because I was not convinced the first time.

And, probably in denial.

Easy enough to avoid oysters and mussels, but PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME GIVE UP MY PEPPERS!

So, I was hoping the first time was a fluke.

BUT, it was after the experience with my favorite Greek salad, topped with grilled chicken, feta,
pickled turnips, olives, GREEN and BANANA PEPPERS . . .
that I knew.

Monkey pickles?  Okay.

Banana peppers?  No more.

So, good-bye peppers.

Farewell, oysters, and mussels, too.

I guess I AM getting old(er).

Tums, anyone?